In accordance with Act No. 171/2023 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the law") the company VODNÍ DÍLA - TBD a.s. as a legally obliged entity publishes in accordance with the provisions of § 9 paragraph 2 letter b) the following information:
The company VODNÍ DÍLA – TBD a.s. designated as the competent persons for receiving notices under the Act:
Ing. Bohumil Hercík, Head of the Economy Department, phone: 221 408 330, e-mail:
[email protected] Tomáš Ferenc, Deputy Head of the Economy Department, phone: 221 408 328, e-mail:
[email protected] Correspondence address of the relevant persons: VODNÍ DÍLA - TBD a.s., Hybernská 1617/40, 110 00 Prague 1.
According to the law, the notification must not be anonymous, i.e. it must contain information about the name, surname and date of birth of the informant.
Notification according to the law can be submitted through the internal notification system of VODNÍ DÍLA - TBD a.s. in writing to the e-mail:
[email protected] , by letter addressed to the relevant persons at the address VODNÍ DÍLA - TBD a.s., Hybernská 1617/40, 110 00 Prague 1 (the envelope must be visibly marked "Notification under the Whistleblower Protection Act - to hands of the relevant persons, DO NOT OPEN"), orally - by telephone to the contact telephone numbers of the relevant persons 221 408 330 (Ing. Bohumil Hercík), 221 408 328 (Tomáš Ferenc) or in person by agreement with any relevant person.
And also through notification to the Ministry of Justice (https://oznamovatel.justice.cz) via the website. forms, in writing to e-mail:
[email protected], by telephone at telephone number: 221 997 840 or in person on the basis of a request.
The company VODNÍ DÍLA – TBD a.s. excluded from the possibility of submitting a notification. in accordance with the law, the person who, for the company VODNÍ DÍLA – TBD a.s. do not perform work or other similar activities according to § 2 paragraph 3 letter a), b), h) or i) of the Act, i.e. persons who c) perform self-employment, d) exercise rights associated with participation in a legal entity, e) perform the functions of a member of a body of a legal entity, f) perform tasks within activities of a legal entity in its interest, on its behalf or on its account, g) manage a trust fund, j) exercise rights and obligations arising from a contract, the subject of which is the provision of supplies, services, construction works or other similar performance, or apply for work or other similar activity. Persons entitled to submit a notification are therefore persons who a) perform dependent work in a basic employment relationship, b) perform a service, h) perform volunteer work or i) perform professional practice or an internship.